I offer in person counselling at my office and also by Zoom and telephone.
I issue receipts accepted by Health insurance companies, inc. Laya, VHI and Irish Life
(check your own policy for what is allowable, often 50% of the fee)
I usually work from Athenry – contact me by phone
086 607 6923
or email info@philippa.mcguinness.ie


About Me
I have been involved in the field of counselling for over fifteen years, completing first a foundation course and then qualifying with a first class honours degree in Counselling and Psychotherapy. I am a fully registered and accredited member of IACP and BACP (these are the Irish & British Associations of Counsellors and Psychotherapists). Additional training includes a professional certificate in CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Complicated Grief Therapy and most recently I qualified as a certified Organic Intelligence ® Coach.
I worked for several years voluntarily with the ISPCC (Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children) on the ‘Childline’ phone service and also as a ‘Parent Mentor’. Following that I worked for two years within the NUIG student counselling services, working with young adults and mature students. There I counselled many people who suffered from anxiety and gained specialist experience in that area. As well as my own private practice I currently also work with the Galway No.4 youth service, counselling young adults.
I have also led stress and anxiety reduction workshops with the Galway organisation Helplink and worked with ‘Changing Minds’.
To ensure that all clients have safe and ethical counselling I attend regular supervision with an experienced and accredited supervisor and follow the strict ethical guidelines of IACP and BACP (Irish and British Associations of Counsellors and Psychotherapists), these are professional organisations, of which I am member. I have been successfully Garda vetted.
I am constantly expanding my knowledge and experience of counselling by attending training courses, continuous professional development workshops and extensive reading.
I have full professional insurance.

When a person realizes he has been deeply heard, his eyes moisten.
I think in some real sense he is weeping for joy.
It is as though he were saying,
"Thank God, somebody heard me.
Someone knows what it's like to be me"
Carl R. Rogers

Frequently Asked Questions
Why Come for Counselling?
Many issues can be difficult to deal with on your own. Counselling offers safe, non-judgemental support and understanding to help you work through feelings, consider options and make choices. As a counsellor I am not involved in your daily life, therefore I can listen to you without judging or making assumptions. You will be given a confidential space and time that is just for you to talk and work through issues without any pressure.
Often people who come for counselling have been suffering for some time, they have considered therapy, but have put off this decision because they felt ashamed that they need help. Beginning counselling is not a weakness, but a courageous, positive step toward changing unhelpful behaviours and thoughts, this can lead to more happiness and satisfaction in relationships, work and play.
“If you allow yourself to become the person you are then everything will come into rhythm”
John O’Donohue
Issues may include:
ï½¥ general stress
ï½¥ depression and low mood
ï½¥ anxiety and panic
ï½¥ bereavement, loss and grieving
ï½¥ relationship problems
ï½¥ various forms of trauma
ï½¥ abuse
ï½¥ isolation and loneliness
ï½¥ difficulty coping with life
ï½¥ sexuality, LGTBQIA+,
gender identity and expression
ï½¥ family issues
ï½¥ bullying and work problems
I consider that people come to counselling because there is something about their life that they want to change, this could be for many reasons... to improve a relationship, to become more assertive, to stop feeling stressed all the time, to name but a few. However sometimes clients just come to talk about something that is bothering them and I give them time and space in a confidential and safe environment without any judgement. Issues may include loss, a life transition, a traumatic event. No issue is too large or too small, counselling is about what matters to the individual client.
What to Expect in the First Session
and How I Work
I work on a one-to-one basis with individual adults (over 18).
The first session lasts for one hour, I listen to you fully and carefully to hear what your main concerns are. We can then discuss and explore the best way to work together. The first session gives you a chance to get a sense of me and whether you feel we can work well together.
“When the other person is hurting, confused, troubled, anxious, alienated, terrified; or when he or she is doubtful of self-worth, uncertain as to identity, then understanding is called for.
The gentle and sensitive companionship of an empathic stance. provides illumination and healing. In such situations deep understanding is,
I believe, the most precious gift one can give to another.”
Carl R. Rogers
I use a client centred approach to counselling, which means that I consider each person as unique with their own needs and issues. I do not presume to work in any specific way until we have met and explored what would be best for you. I then can draw on my training and experience to collaborate to work with you in the most appropriate way.

Useful Links
If you have further questions regarding counselling and counselling services, please feel free to contact me or refer to the links below...
If you wish to proceed with counselling services, it is required that you review and sign the Privacy Policy below...